To Renovate or Not to Renovate?

Renovations are all the rage these days. From the endless number of tv shows highlighting home renovations to the posts on social media by interior designers and bloggers, the renovation ideas are endless! So, that begs the question, when should you renovate your vacation home?

The simple answer to the question is: as soon as you can! Renovations are best done during the offseason when guests are not disturbed. This way, your vacation home is in pristine condition for peak season.

Renovate Folly Beach 1695 E Ashley
1695 E Ashley Ave “The Scandinavian” underwent a total renovation!

We have found the days of kitschy beach decor and wicker second-hand furniture are behind us. Guests are looking for modern, updated and top of the line for their vacations. The two areas that really show a guest the vacation home is renovated are the kitchen and bathrooms.

Renovate Isle of Palms 3502 Palm Blvd
3502 Palm Blvd “Sea Star” has a brand new kitchen!

Renovated kitchens are so important for guests when booking their vacation. Guests opt for a vacation rental so the family has the option to cook meals in the house and not eat every meal out. So, kitchens with sleek, modern appliances stand out. Especially if these kitchens have beautiful custom cabinets and countertops. Little touches like a chalkboard wall or a built-in drink fridge can make or break a guests decision to rent the property.

211 Charleston Oceanfront Villas Folly Beach Renovation
We love the chalkboard wall touch at 211 Charleston Oceanfront Villas “Saylor’s Folly.”

A renovated bathroom shows the guests that the homeowner cares about the property. Clean lines, tiled showers and tub surrounds, and walk-in showers really grab the guests attention. For properties with more than one bathroom, it is important to remember that families, possibly with young children, will be vacationing at the home. Families with young children often look for a vacation rental that has at least one tub in the property. This way, the kids can still take their evening bath.

Renovate Isle of Palms C419 Shipwatch Villas
The pop of color in the guest bath at C419 Shipwatch Villas is perfection!

Check out the photos below for some design inspiration! ย 

219 Charleston Oceanfront Villas Renovation Folly Beach
The fun tile backsplash and chic, modern bar stools are perfect in 219 Charleston Oceanfront Villas “The Swan Dive”
212 Charleston Oceanfront Villas Renovation Folly Beach
212 Charleston Oceanfront Villas “Sea Folly” has a gorgeous master bathroom! The glassed-in, walk-in shower perfectly balances the room.
C420 Shipwatch Villas Renovation Isle of Palms
The guest bathroom at C420 Shipwatch Villas “Royal Dune” is perfection! The neutral colors allow the homeowner to add a pop of color with a bath mat or artwork.
1408 E Ashley Ave Renovation Folly Beach
What isn’t gorgeous about the kitchen at 1408 E Ashley Ave “Estate of Folly”? The blue lower cabinets, sleek appliances, and upper white cabinets balance the room.
431D Shipwatch Villas Renovation Isle of Palms
Guests love seeing the large fridge in D431 Shipwatch Villas “Xanadune”. A large fridge is ideal for families traveling together.
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